Share the Florida Dental Access Guide!


The Florida Oral Health Alliance offers several informational brochures, materials, and publications that are free of charge to the public. 

Partners may also request free copies of these materials to disseminate to the communities they serve. Please complete this form to order copies of:      

  • Florida Dental Access Guide Promotional Rack Card (in Eng, Sp, Cre): This simple one pager describes what the Florida Dental Access Guide is and how it can be useful. (View here
  • Florida Oral Health Alliance (FOHA) Brochure: This trifold explains the work and purpose of FOHA and how to get involved in improving oral health access across Florida.(View here)
  • Florida Voices for Health (FVH) Brochure: This trifold introduces the health advocacy campaigns led by FVH on issues including improving Medicaid, increasing access for people with disabilities, and more! (View here)
  • Story Collection Rack Card: Sharing health care stories can be an empowering experience for those who are facing high disparities and those who have successfully received the care they need. This rack card explains how willing Floridians can connect with Florida Voices for Health to share their story and hopefully create change. (Coming Soon)
  • Florida Dental Access Guide Social Media Toolkit (downloadable): Help promote the Guide by sharing about it on your social media platforms. This toolkit includes sample language and images. (Coming Soon)

Help us Grow the Florida Dental Access Guide!

If you’re interested in doing more to support the rollout and future development of the Florida Dental Access Guide, please consider joining the Florida Oral Health Alliance’s Community Outreach Workgroup

Members have the opportunity to:

  • Participate in our quarterly meetings to evaluate the dissemination of the guide
  • Receive progress updates on the website’s development and reach
  • Submit new resources/content
  • Receive and distribute materials and other community partners 
  • Be listed on our website and receive trainings