Know where to go for dental care.

It is best to access routine dental care and recommended preventive services from your Primary Dental Provider (PDP). For this reason, it is very important to select a PDP. Your PDP is who you will see for most dental health problems. A PDP can be a pediatric or general dentist.

Going to your child’s PDP has several benefits:

As a Florida Medicaid Dental Program beneficiary, you may have been assigned a Dental Home (Refer to Step 1), a PDP that you can access for routine check-ups and preventive dental care. You do not need a referral for dental services with your PDP to prevent dental problems and keep your mouth healthy.


That over 7 million Floridians are living in dental provider shortage areas.

Though you may encounter challenges, you can begin your search for a primary dental provider with this list of dental clinics.

Find A Community Clinic!

Remember that you have the freedom to change your dentist at any time.
It is important to review your Medicaid Dental Program member handbook to know where you can seek care and what services are covered. There may be big differences between your PDP, urgent care, and an emergency department and some services may require special approval by the plan. If you experience a nonemergency dental problem, it is best to call your PDP to schedule an appointment.