Florida’s Roadmap for Oral Health

Time for Alignment and Action

Oral health remains to be one of Florida’s greatest unmet needs. Oral health barriers impact access to care and further contribute to profound and enduring oral health disparities among Florida residents, especially those that are vulnerable. To achieve change, oral health stakeholders must coalesce around common oral health goals and messages and a champion must emerge to lead the way.

Who are the Oral Health Stakeholders?

Government and Policymakers

People, groups, and agencies who influence federal, state, and local laws, policies, and funding. (i.e., Agency of Healthcare Administration, Legislators)

Public Health Agencies

State, county, or local agencies tasked with protecting, promoting and improving public health of all people in Florida. (i.e., State Surgeon General, Florida Department of Children and Families)

Professional Organizations

Dental associations or societies who seek to further the dental profession, the interests of dental providers, and the public interest related to the dental profession. (i.e., Florida Dental Association, Florida Board of Dentistry)

Managed Care Organizations (MCOs)

A healthcare company or a health plan that is focused on managed care as a model to limit healthcare expenditures while keeping quality of care high (i.e., DentaQuest, Liberty, MCNA Dental)

Social Agencies / Coalitions / Councils

Statewide or local alliances that help build community partnerships, foster collaborations between oral health advocates and promote advocacy, educate, and increase visibility of oral health importance and the issues surrounding oral health (i.e., Floridians for Dental Access Coalition, Florida Oral Health Alliance, Oral Health Florida Coalition).

Community-based organization

Public or private organizations that provide specific services to the community or targeted populations within the community.


Providers of oral health information or training to the public or to oral health professionals. (i.e., Dental schools)


Individual dental professionals responsible for delivering oral health services.

Collective Impact for Statewide Systems Change
– The Florida Oral Health Alliance –

The Florida Oral Health Alliance (FOHA), a broad-based, multi-sector group of stakeholders, is issuing a call to action to improve oral health among Florida’s most vulnerable populations. Using a collaborative process, the Florida Oral Health Alliance, is on a mission to develop and implement a five-year action plan: Florida’s Roadmap to Oral Health. Prioritizing a consumer-driven approach, the Alliance aims to reduce oral health inequities and achieve meaningful improvements in oral health access and ultimately optimal health for all Floridian’s.
Florida’s Roadmap for Oral Health

Coming Soon!